Signature Event
A night of a Million Dreams Gala and Fundraiser
Join us at Circle Square in your formal attire to celebrate the Ocala Royal Dames’ success for cancer research and raise funds to create new successes.
March 29, 2025 @ 5:00PM — 10:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Circle Square Cultural Center : 8395 SW 80th St Ocala, FL 34481
Dear Community Donor,
The Ocala Royal Dames for Cancer Research, Inc. is a non-profit 501c(3) organization that raises money for cancer research. We are a strictly volunteer organization with no paid employees. We fund and work with researchers at the University of Florida in Gainesville and Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. Most of the money we provide to researchers is seed money that allows them to apply for larger grants that they would not otherwise obtain. With the help of our generous donors the Ocala Royal Dames has provided over $4,000,000 for cancer research.
The Ocala Royal Dames for Cancer Research, Inc., also, work with the College of Central Florida(CF) here in Ocala. We provide money for educational programs at CF and support Shop Talk. Shop Talk is free and open to the public, with doctors, nurses and other health care professionals providing information in a relaxed environment with plenty of question and answer time.
We need sponsors like you so that we can continue to fund research we hope will one day soon lead to a cure for cancer.
This year’s signature event theme is “A night of a Million Dreams”. We hope you will support us with your sponsorship and join us to unmask a potential cure for cancer at our annual signature event on March 29th, 2025, at the Circle Square Cultural Center.
Warmest Regards,
Event Chairs
Debbie Craig
Chris Davis
Premier Sponsorship Opportunities
$10,000 Platinum VIP Sponsorship
Up to 20 VIP Event Tickets (Reserved Tables)
Title | Logo on Ocala Royal Dames Website, Facebook and email
Title | Logo on printed material
Title | Logo recognition at event, radio ads and social media
Full Page color ad inside or back cover of program
$7,500 Gold VIP Sponsorship
10 VIP Event Tickets (Reserved Seating)
Title | Logo on Ocala Royal Dames Website, Facebook and email
Title | Logo on printed material
Title | Logo recognition at event, radio ads and social media
Full Page color ad in program
$5,000 Rose VIP Sponsorship
8 VIP Event Tickets (Reserved Seating)
Title | Logo on Ocala Royal Dames Website, Facebook and email
Title | Logo on printed material
Title | Logo recognition at event, radio ads and social media
Full Page color ad in program
$2,500 Silver VIP Sponsorship
6 VIP Event Tickets (Reserved Seating)
Title | Logo on Ocala Royal Dames Website and Facebook
Title | Logo on printed material
Title | Logo recognition at event and social media
1/2 Page color ad in program
$1,250 Bronze VIP Sponsorship
4 VIP Event Tickets (Reserved Seating)
Title | Logo on Ocala Royal Dames Website and Facebook
Title | Logo recognition at event
Advertisement in program
Important Information
Sponsorships and guest names are due by February 24th, 2024. Call for additional priority seating, if available. For additional information about Sponsorships, contact Kathy Frances at 352-207-4356.
Program Advertising
Friends and Family donations receive recognition in the Commemorative Journal.
Full Page (8”x 5”) $750
Half Page (5” x 3.875”). $500
Quarter Page (3.875” x 2.375”) $250
Business Card $150
Please contact Michelle in reference to Inquiries about program advertising:
You may download our Event .PDF flyer or contact someone below.
Reice Reid – (352) 547-9702 or